Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Why we travel?

There are many reasons, I believe, that make us decide to travel. It is funny to realize now, after years of being on the road, that one of the reasons that I started to travel was to "escape" the winter months. I was born and raised in Mar del Plata, Argentina, only a few blocks from the beach. We do have summers, but winters are long and cold. I remember myself riding a bike on the coast on a frigid winter day looking at the beach and thinking that in that same moment in another part of the world there was somebody else like me enjoying a beautiful day at the beach, no shoes, only trunks and enjoying the warm water. A few months after that day I was ready to start my "adventure" that lasted for about ten years. During those years I visited many places, met all kinds of people, learned different jobs, experienced how it is to live in different places, learned different languages, discovered new sports and realized that I am a traveler
and that I will always be.
Nowadays I have a beautiful family and we live in two places, Huntington Beach, California and Mar del Plata, Argentina, we have two summers a year and only a few winter days when we choose to have them.
This passion for traveling, together with my other passions such as surfing, scuba diving and yoga forced me into founding "Escape Barefoot Travel", a new school travel company with unique itineraries and with the philosophy of using your vacation for personal growth, not only resting, visiting, and discovering, but also to have the time do what you like to do or that activity that you've always dreamt of doing, combining this with being in touch with the culture that you are visiting and trying to make a positive impact on them.
We have a very personal touch and an honest commitment to do everything we can to make our clients vacation a unique one. We also orginze a few group trips a year, traveling with people that share your same interest can be extra fun and rewarding too.

I will use this blog to share experiences, new destinations, pictures, videos and everything related to travel, surfing, yoga and scuba diving.

1 comment:

  1. i think the reason why we travel anywhere is a "state-of-mind-escape" kind of need that we have to satisfy, to escape from our everyday reality, for fullfilment of fantasies, to escape from stress, from sadness, to satisfy fun & sports needs, to relax, to forget, to see our loved ones, to remember and to feel certain things again. if i ever go through a rough day i just close my eyes in my office and imagine myself diving slowly in the clear waters of the caribbean, 5 minutes of silent waters and almost feeling their temperature all around me is enough to make me come back refreshed! funny thing is that if i am having a great day, i would imagine the same too! for us, the travel lovers, it's like a bug, that grows every few months untill we can finally "go" there and then it becomes into another great moment and memory. whatever your reason is, don't stop. love your blog, don't stop either xoxoxox rachel from miami, usa.
